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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Political Intel: Who Does the Telling

     Who is running your life, your community and determining your future through laws, policies and regulations?  The links below will help you to stay abreast of what is going in government entities.           Reflecting on the water issue in Flint, Michigan, had citizens known their representatives were making choices detrimental to their lives perhaps they could have stopped them.  Know who the players are and what they are doing. Below are links to White House, Congress, State governments, Mayors of Major Cities and county governments.
     On these sites you will find legislative action and the mandate of various departments such as water control.

     According to the 2002 Census of Governments, There are 19,429 municipal governments in the United States. Most small towns with populations of 5000-25,000 use the council-manager system  of government.

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