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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Education: After School Programs

      The National Center for Education Statistics indicates the average hours in a school day are 6 to 7 hours.  The average school year is 171 to 182 days.  This leaves a substantial amount of time (183 days) for after school programs.

     At a recent congressional hearing former Secretary of Education Arne Duncan stated that children from China and India spend 25 to 30 percent more time in school.  From a competitive stance he stated, “ we are doing our children a disservice.”

      State Average number of hours in the school day Average number of days in the school year United States 6.64 hours and 180  days    

Alabama 7.03 180 Alaska 6.48 180 Arizona 6.43 181 Arkansas 6.89 179 California 6.24 181     Colorado 7.01 171 Connecticut 6.47 181 Delaware 6.68 181 DC  6.91 181 Florida 6.43 184      Georgia 6.79 181 Hawaii 6.26 179 Idaho 6.63 173 Illinois 6.50 177 Indiana 6.77 180    Iowa 6.85 180 Kansas 6.98 178 Kentucky 6.69 180 Louisiana 7.08 178 Maine 6.47 176 Maryland 6.59 180 Massachusetts 6.45 180 Michigan 6.56 178 Minnesota 6.28 176 Mississippi 6.99 181    Missouri 6.70 177 Montana 6.79 179 Nebraska 6.92 178 Nevada 6.30 180 New Hampshire 6.54 180      New Jersey 6.44 181 New Mexico 6.85 177 New York 6.59 182 North Carolina 6.75 180 North Dakota 6.58 176      Ohio 6.61 180 Oklahoma 6.63 176 Oregon 6.57 172 Pennsylvania 6.43 181 Rhode Island 6.27 180      South Carolina 6.92 181 South Dakota 6.83 173 Tennessee 7.03 180 Texas 7.17 180 Utah 6.28 182      Vermont 6.66 177 Virginia 6.62 181 Washington 6.22 179 West Virginia 6.87 182 Wisconsin 6.91 180 Wyoming 6.86 175 Source: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS), "Public School Data File," 2007-08.

     Parents, teachers and the learning community can leverage this time for after school activities on and offline.  The activities are occupation relevant and project based to reinforce the school curriculum, to build student portfolios, and to prepare students for a practicum.

     Here is an example for pre-school thru middle school of an online after school project which demonstrates math proficiency and promote math careers such as architecture, astronaut, structural engineering, contractor, electrician and plumber.  Students can start with the basic and depending on the grade move to more complex builds.

  Build a Replica of a House

     Using cardboard, paper, plastic or other child friendly materials build a house.  Provide all measurements for the house such as doors, windows, roof and floors.  Please use the internet to find resources. A video of how you developed and completed your project is required.
The houses will be put on display. Provide a written description along with measurements and how you used math to design and build your model. Be creative.  Judges will select the outstanding houses for awards.  All participants receive a certificate.  A deadline is provided and a mentor  available for questions


Math Careers



Check your local library too.

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